We all have dreams…at least we used to…
Maybe you’ve given up on yours, or maybe you don’t even know what
you want anymore. But you still remember when you were little, and used
to wake up excited every morning. You knew exactly what you wanted
to do, didn’t care what anyone thought about it, and were hell-bent on
making it happen. That’s what I call “being wild!” You want that feeling
back. But you’re not quite sure how to go about it.
This step-by-step guide uses neuroscience, proven coaching methods
and true stories to help you:
– Reconnect with who you really are (your Wild). And when you do,
you will know it, because it feels right.
– Learn to dream again … really dream! We’re not talking about
daydreaming here. We’re talking about daredreaming, with real
systems and real plans to make things happen.
– Learn scientifically proven methods to program your brain to help
you get wherever you tell it you want to go.
– Learn to ask for help, to trust in the mysterious and absolutely
reliable support of the Universe.
I wrote this book to give you the guidance and support you need to
finally listen to your heart and go after your dreams, no matter how
wild they seem!
You may be wondering why I chose a wolf for the cover (or why you
were attracted to it, for that matter).
To me, wolves symbolize the Call of the Wild. I love to hear them
howl. First one wolf calls and then the others answer that call, each with
its own wild and beautiful voice.
Are you ready to find your own wild and beautiful voice?
Then it’s time to
Find your Wild!