Wild Thing…what makes your Heart sing?
The Wild Thing Quest
A Spiritual Journey & Practical Guide to create a life you never want to retire from!
Before I start talking, may I ask you a question?
What made you press that button? Take a minute and think about it…
My guess is that this is part of the reason:
You are tired of pretending to be someone that you know in your heart of hearts, you are not. You are not like everyone else and tired of trying to be like everyone else! I get it – believe me! I’ve been there!
Are you tired of having to jump through all those hoops?
Are you tired of being trained and domesticated?
Of course you are!
You are a WILD THING!
You were not meant to be kept in a cage!
You were not meant to be like everyone else!
You were meant to discover your own path, follow it and do what makes your heart sing!

Welcome Wild Thing!
As you may have noticed, I am clearly into listening to our own natural wisdom.
So, before we jump in, may I ask you another question?
How do ducks know where to go when they migrate? How do they get to their winter destination and then return North every year?
Do they have some sort of natural built-in homing device? The answer is yes – they do – and no one knows exactly how it works…
It just works.
The good news is that you have the exact same natural homing device inside of you. It knows your True North. It knows who you really are.
All you have to do is listen.
I created this course for you because I have been there. I know where you are. In that place of self-doubt:
- What the heck am I doing with my life?
- Who am I doing this for?
- I don’t even know what I want anymore!
- When did I stop having fun?
- I remember when I used to wake up excited every morning.
- I want that feeling back!
I get it. I’ve been there too. And I’m here to tell you, you can wake up excited every morning, knowing that you are on course to your True North.
All you have to do is implement the system!
- Safety in numbers. Do ducks migrate alone? No, they do not. They fly in great numbers (a flock), in a formation that is advantageous to the entire group. They draft behind the leader, so they use less energy. They take turns being at the head, so that no one of them tires out and falls behind. I have created just such a flock for you to be a part of and navigate to your True North. In other words, you get to hang out with a bunch of cool, like-minded people who are hell bent on discovering their True North and believe you can too.
- Trust the system. Do the ducks ever doubt the internal compass? Do they stop and ask each other “does he really know where he’s going?” No – they do not – they trust the duck in the lead because they know he trusts his own internal compass and knows exactly where he is going. In other words, don’t listen to the “nay-sayers” – you know, the ones who are always saying “that can’t be done.” Hang out with a bunch of “yay!-sayers! – you know, the ones who say, “Go for it!”
- Have Faith. Not only do the ducks trust the system – the internal compass – they trust the Universe to bring them safely home to roost, to navigate them around any obstacles and storms in their flight path. They don’t need to understand why and how the system works. They just know it does. In other words,
I created this system based on two things: proven coaching methods and the mysterious and absolutely reliable support of the Universe.
All you have to do is start flying!
In just 2 months, you will go from clue-less (about what you want to do) – to fearless! (and ready to take the leap!)
Here’s how it works:
Every week I’ll send you a new Module with inspiring ideas and reflection exercises to deepen your self-awareness and help you discover which hoops you want to jump through! You’ll be exploring:
- What you know you don’t want, so you can figure out what you do want
- What things make your heart sing
- What your most important values are, so you can include them from now on
- You’ll discover where you “kick ass” (what your strengths are) so you can utilize them!
- You’ll create a Vision and a very real calendar to make it happen!
- You’ll learn about Buddha and neuroscience (don’t worry, it’s fun!) and how to program your brain like a GPS
- You’ll begin to trust your intuition and listen to your heart, instead of only your head
- You’ll learn how to address your fears head on, so they don’t undermine your efforts
- You’ll identify and eliminate any obstacles in your way (including yourself!)
- You’ll learn how to deal with overwhelm, so you can stay on track
- And when you arrive at your goal, we’ll have a big, fat party!
I’ll also be sharing my guided Visualizations and Meditations with you, to help you experience your vision and connect with your intuition/Higher Self. The recordings are yours to keep and listen to as often as you like.
And don’t worry about getting behind! Even though I will be sending you a new Module weekly, you can go at your own pace (believe me, I know how busy you are! and how committed!)
You’ll have all the Modules in PDF format, in each email, so you can download them and refer back to them as often as you wish.
I have also created a Private Facebook group for you to share any questions/insights/ah-hah! moments with me and your fellow Wild Things. I will be checking in daily to see how you all are doing! I want you to share your experience with me!
I love success stories!
And here is Anelise’s success story!
I would just like to say how much I benefited since I started my ” adventure” together with Lisa on the Wild Thing Quest. I remember very well singing one of my favorite songs ” Born to be wild” by Steppenwolf and really got the inspiration of feeling the wind sweeping along my skin..again. It was the right one. I started to be who I really am.
Lisa’s coaching helped me to rewire negative thought patterns by reframing them. Also, I developed a loving attitude towards the real me with this great Coaching program…Step by step I moved toward changing careers. – Anelise
So, what do you say Wild Thing?
Are you ready to get out of that cage?!
What’s your investment in your new-found freedom?
$49.95 for the whole package!